The first time I heard about Halwa Paratha is in Delhi, Aligarh UP, India. it is a combination of Halwa and Paratha. Well, halwa is a sweet that I make at home
Rawa halwa is a favorite sweet in the family. I also make Crunchy paratha whenever I make Raw halwa because it is excellent combo. Paratha is a crispy crunchy big size stuff flatbread made with wheat flour ( maids) and it is a very popular food found in almost all the restaurants in old Delhi India. But I did not know that halwa and paratha could be combined and I really wanted to try it out.
The awesome taste of this halwa paratha which is a combination of crunchy paratha and silky, melting, yummy testy halwa, which is found in most stalls in old Delhi during the Ramzan fasting season and you find huge crowds in front of these stalls in the evenings.
The paratha is huge about in size and crunchy cryspy. Now aren’t you longing to eat it?
Recipe for Halwa Paratha
For the paratha
Wheat flour: 2 cup (maids)
1 tbsp suji
1/2 tbsp salt
Ghee: 2 tbsp
Water: as required
For the halwa:
Sooji: 1 cup
Sugar: 1 cup
Ghee: ½ cup
Water 4 bowl
Badam : 1 tbsp
Yellow food color: 2 pinch
Raisin (kismiss) 20 nug
Cordomom powder 1/4 tbsp
Garnish halwa -Truti fruti 2 tbsp
Knead the wheat flour with Suji and salt into soft dough by adding required water. Cover and keep aside for 30 minutes.
Heat 1 tbsp of ghee in a non stick pan.
Add the sooji and roast the sooji in the ghee, till it becomes pink in color.
Heat the pot add the ghee, cordomom powder, badam, kismiss, sugar and 4 bowl water, yellow colour and boil it.
Reduce the flame.
Allow the sooji to get cooked in the water by stirring continuously.
When the water evaporates and the halwa starts to thicken,
Mix well and continue cooking and stirring.
When the halwa starts leaving the sides of the pan, and stir for 5 minutes.
Switch off the flame and allow the halwa to cool.
Garnish hales with truti fruti
Testy halwa ready for eat.
Method Paratha :
Take the paratha dough and divide and make balls.
Roll the dough into disc shape.
Apply some ghee and maids mix on the disc and fold and roll dough 3 times same process and roll the dough in disk shape.
Press, sprinkle some flour and roll again into thick discs.
Heat the pan add ghee for fry Paratha.
add paratha in fry pan for deep frying on a Pan till light crispy brown. Make crisp Paratha is ready to eat.
Serve Crispy hot Halwa partha and enjoy it.
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